September 12 meeting

10 - 11:30 a.m.

Goleta Library

The next La Leche League of Santa Barbara morning meeting is Monday, SEPT. 12, from 10-11:30 a.m.

The topic is: “Nutrition and Weaning.” This is Meeting #4 in a series of four rotating topics. As always, please come with your questions, even if they don’t pertain to the topic of the meeting. Feel free to invite a friend or two to come as well.
Pregnant and nursing mothers are invited to attend; babies and children are always welcome.
Our meeting this month is held at Goleta Public Library (500 N. Fairview). Since the library is closed til noon on Mondays, we will enter through the side gate/door that is to the left of the main entrance. We’ve been asked to use the parking lot of the church that is next to the library.
As always, please feel free to call or email us with breastfeeding questions.

La Leche League of Santa Barbara



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