Leaders, past and present:

Gwenn, Rina and Jen were recognized as new leaders at a ceremony at the Leadership Enrichment Seminar for La Leche League of Southern California/Nevada on October 21, 2017.

These women attended group meetings for more than a year, and worked hard to get the breastfeeding knowledge and counseling skills that Leaders need. They are warm, passionate, and smart Leaders and will continue offering wonderful support to local families through monthly meetings, phone help, and our Facebook page and group. Our community and group are very lucky to have them! Congratulations!

I’m Gwenn Vanier, a mom of four children (12 years-old twins, 8 and 6). We are a globetrotter French family who lived in Canada, France and Ireland before settling to Santa Barbara, three years-ago. In all those places, I am grateful I met LLL and other local breastfeeding groups which helped me through my personal breastfeeding journey. Today, I’m very happy to be part of LLL of Santa Barbara and wish to support the breastfeeding community.

Hello, my name is Rina Lange, I am married to my wonderful husband, Nathan, and am a mother to our lovely daughter who is turning 2 in a couple months. I grew up in Northern California and lived most of my life in Lake and Humboldt county. My husband and I have lived in the Santa Barbara area for about 4 years now and are so happy to call it home! As a preschool teacher, I already loved caregiving for children and being an active part in their families but through LLL it has been an honor to be so involved in the mother-child breastfeeding relationship! I loved this group as a new mother just a couple years ago! It will be a pleasure connecting with moms and providing support!

And now for the Goodbye

Virginia Bobro is moving away from Santa Barbara in November. Due to her strong ties to the community and the presence of her family in town, she will be back in Santa Barbara regularly. She will certainly miss her connection with local families, and fondly remembers the hundreds of nursing parents and babies she’s supported locally over the past 12 years. We offer deep gratitude for all she’s done for LLL of Santa Barbara to ensure its strong roots in our community.


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